Crypto and Quantum Computers: A Security Threat or Progress?
4 min readAug 13, 2024


Imagine a supercomputer so powerful it could solve puzzles in seconds that would take a regular computer thousands of years. Sounds like something out of a sci-fi movie, right? Well, welcome to the world of quantum computers! These high-tech machines might just change everything we know about digital security — and that includes the Crypto World. But is this change a threat or an exciting leap forward?

Quantum Computers

Quantum computers are a new type of powerful computing machine. They can solve problems much faster than regular computers. Some even believe that quantum computers could break any encryption system in just a few minutes — something that would take traditional computers thousands of years to do. This ability makes quantum computers a potential threat to today’s digital security, especially the Crypto World.

For now, we don’t have fully operational quantum computers just yet. The ones that are out there are still in the experimental stage and can only tackle very specific tasks — they’re not ready to handle general, everyday problems. However, Alphabet Inc., the company that owns Google, is planning to invest billions of dollars to create a commercial quantum computer by 2029.

Asymmetric Cryptography Is Under a Threat

Asymmetric cryptography is an important part of how cryptocurrencies work. It involves two types of keys: public and private. One key is needed to encrypt and the other to decrypt. It helps keep data secure and authentic in the digital world. Some common uses include:

  • Digital signatures. A document is signed with a private key, and anyone can verify its authenticity using the public key.
  • Key exchange. This allows for the secure exchange of symmetric keys, which can then be used to quickly send data.
  • SSL/TLS. These protocols help establish secure connections on the Internet.

Asymmetric cryptography lets people safely exchange information over the Internet, due to extremely complex mathematical problems that regular computers can’t solve quickly.

However, with the rise of quantum computers, things could change. These machines are much more powerful than ordinary computers and can solve these tough problems much faster. If quantum computers can crack these problems, Internet security could be at risk.

Will Quantum-Resistant Cryptography help?

Quantum-resistant cryptography is a collection of new methods designed to keep data secure even when quantum computers become powerful enough to break today’s encryption systems.

Asymmetric cryptographic algorithms, while effective today, may soon be vulnerable to quantum computers. These machines could potentially break current encryption methods easily, putting the privacy and integrity of data at risk. That is when quantum-resistant cryptography comes to help.

Key approaches in quantum-resistant cryptography:

  • Lattice-based cryptography. Uses complex math problems, like finding the shortest vector in a grid.
  • Code-based cryptography. Relies on challenges related to encoding and decoding data.
  • Multivariate quadratic cryptography. Solves quadratic equations with multiple variables.
  • Hash-based cryptography. Uses cryptographic hash functions.
  • Isogeny-based cryptography. Involves special connections between elliptic curves, called isogenies.

All these approaches are considered resistant to attacks from quantum computers.

Quantum Computers and Bitcoin Mining

Quantum computers could also impact Bitcoin mining. Miners solve cryptographic puzzles to earn rewards, and if one miner had access to a quantum computer, they could potentially take over the entire network, threatening its decentralization.

However, experts believe that for now, blockchain technology is safe. Special hardware called ASICs could defend against such an attack. Plus, if multiple miners had access to quantum computers, the risk of one miner taking over would decrease.


While the rise of quantum computing could challenge today’s digital security, including cryptocurrencies, there’s no need to worry just yet. It will take a lot more time and effort to fully develop quantum computers.

In the meantime, developers are already working on quantum-resistant standards, which could be adopted by the digital community through popular browsers and messaging apps. Once these standards are ready, the cryptocurrency world can easily add the necessary protections.

As quantum computers become more of a reality, it’s crucial to stay ahead of potential threats. Adopting new methods will help ensure the security of data, both now and in the future.

If you want to learn more interesting facts about crypto then check out our blog! You might like our articles “Segregated Witness (SegWit) in Bitcoin” and “Exploring the Concept of Decentralized Insurance Platforms”.

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