How Can X Help Explore The Crypto Market?
5 min readJul 16, 2024


X has unofficially become the leading social network in the crypto industry. Both seasoned entrepreneurs and newcomers gather there to be the first to obtain exclusive information, learn market analysis, or participate in managing crypto projects. In this new material, we will discuss how X assists in research and analysis of crypto projects, and which methods of operation within this social network are the most effective.

What does Elon Musk have to do with it?

It so happened that a community of like-minded individuals interested in cryptocurrencies formed precisely on X. Partly contributing to this was the ambitious Elon Musk, who bought and transformed Twitter last year. Musk also acquired a license for crypto payments, which potentially allows the X platform and its users to engage in storing, transferring, and trading crypto assets.

Advantages of X for the crypto industry

Today, in this social network, one can receive expert comments, read informative long reads, and be among the first to learn the major news. X algorithms work by selecting individual channels based on preferences and allowing users to delve deeper into the information environment — particularly into the rapidly evolving Crypto World.

Experienced participants in the crypto space are already familiar with the conveniences of the platform, since X offers many advantages:

  • Communication among community members

X provides the most convenient space for the free exchange of experiences, knowledge, and opinions. Novices receive all the necessary tools to build a solid foundation for further work in the crypto market and find support in like-minded individuals.

  • Attention to crypto influencers

The cryptocurrency market is influenced by the most prominent entrepreneurs and holders of large assets. Keeping track of their actions can be useful as they often set market trends. X has a large number of popular accounts of such influencers and crypto whales, around each of which its own community is formed. Access to them is usually open, simplifying the task for all crypto market researchers.

  • Formation of the right information field

This is the main point for successful work with digital finances. The more selected information an entrepreneur has at hand, the more strategically correct actions they will take. Useful information may include:

– exclusive news and statements;

airdrop announcements;

– analytical forecasts from verified experts.

In this case, the X platform works very efficiently due to the automatic selection of sources — it is enough to form the core of requests, and the network’s algorithms will independently suggest suitable content.

How does X help navigate the cryptocurrency space?

For user convenience, all conditions are created here: the advantages of a progressive social network are combined with an extensive news base and technologically advantageous algorithms.

For more productive work, it is recommended to create a separate business account so that the work information field is not diluted with personal interests. The user just needs to form their initial field of interests, scroll through the news feed, and visit several useful accounts. Then the system will take care of setting the agenda and will periodically suggest new materials for research.

Through a brief setup of preferences, it’s possible to create the ideal individual platform capable of providing users with information 24/7.

Why is X suitable for analyzing crypto projects?

For successful development, crypto projects need sponsors and active users. Finding them, and moreover increasing recognition in the online space, is easiest on X. ThisX network has been used for promoting crypto projects for the past 3–4 years. During this time, it has proven itself as a successful platform for promotion with high user engagement.

This has led to the fact that now every new crypto project includes creating an account on X among its initial promotion tasks. Moreover, it doesn’t matter whether it’s a major project or a no-name one. Such accounts are freely accessible — and this is another advantage of the platform.

5 Criteria for Evaluating a New Crypto Project through the X Network:

  1. Profile verification. The profile must include an avatar, banner, brief description of the product or technology, and a link to the website or aggregator where all project resources are collected. An empty profile is likely either a fake or an unreliable project.
  2. Registration date of the profile. The registration date should match (plus or minus) the dates of the first publications. If you notice that the profile was created two years ago but the first publications appeared only recently, it’s a reason to be cautious. It might be another fake, and the creators may soon start artificially boosting activity on the empty account.
  3. Likes and comments on posts. Sometimes scammers buy existing accounts and hastily disguise them as new crypto projects. Occasionally, they forget about the existence of previous activity or in their haste, they fail to “clean up the traces.” Therefore, if you find strange comments and likes from suspicious pages under new posts, it’s a reason to be wary.
  4. Gathering data on project mentions in other sources. These sources can include news portals, related accounts, accounts of influential individuals, crypto communities, and others. If the project is unknown to anyone online, but its page suddenly has views, likes, and unclear third-party support, it might be a fake.


Whether we like it or not, the cryptocurrency market in the modern world has almost the same significance as the traditional one. Ignoring its existence, especially for entrepreneurs, would be, at the very least, unwise.

The X social network provides an opportunity for any user to become a successful crypto market researcher for free. To do this, it’s important to regularly monitor information, develop skills in in-depth analysis, listen to the opinions of more experienced market participants, and gradually form a personal vision.

If you want to learn more interesting facts about crypto then check out our blog! You might like our articles “Monero vs Zcash: Privacy Coins Compared” and “Bitcoin Runes Explained”.

Originally published on our Publish0x blog.

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